One of our clients is a small, family-run business, with the husband and wife at the helm. They came to us looking to save money in their private lives to make running a business easier and take some financial pressure off. They knew they’d be employing more people in the long-term but couldn’t offer top-rate salaries. With this in mind, they started to consider financial work perks.

What was the challenge?

Before signing up, we had to make sure Benefits Cloud would actually make a difference to their finances. As a small company they didn’t have the luxury of being able to spend lots of money trying a platform out. They also needed to make cutbacks in their private lives whilst going through a period of change at work. We looked at where they spend their money, and how Benefits Cloud offers could make a difference on an annual basis.


Food: On average, the family were spending £100 a week in Sainsbury’s

Holidays: October half-term holiday in a lodge in Cornwall

Presents: A pair of Air Pods for Christmas for their son

Extras: A bouquet of flowers for Mother’s Day

Annual Savings with Benefits Cloud:

Food: By using a Sainsbury’s Gift Card to pay for their weekly shopping, the family save 4% or £4.00 per week. This equates to an annual saving of £208

Holidays: The family saved 19% (£110) on a lodge for 5 nights in Padstow, Cornwall through Cottage Stay UK.

Presents: £20 saved on Air Pods, thanks to a 10% discount

Extras: Mother’s Day flowers were discounted by 25%, saving £10

Total Amount Saved = £348

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