Hoopsy helps You and the Planet

Hoopsy is a journey that Lara Solomon started after going through two failed embryo transfers.  As Lara says

When I looked at the challenges of getting or not getting pregnant,  I realised that there are so many plastic pregnancy tests being thrown into landfill each year that it is horrifying.  In the US alone there are 20 million plastic tests that go into landfill each year.

Life, in general, can be challenging, whether you are trying to get pregnant or trying not to there is a lot of hoping and finger-crossing along the way.  This is why I named the business Hoopsy – hoop is the old Dutch word for hope – for me the journey of wanting a baby was full of hope and for others they hope that they aren’t pregnant!  The word hoops I also feel really describes life – jumping through hoops to get what you want.

I always thought that I’d find a man and have a family, but it just didn’t happen and time just got away from me.  At 45 I did IVF and harvested my eggs, but unfortunately, none made it to day five blastocyst stage.  I then decided to go for an embryo transfer with a donor embryo and traveled to Spain (from Australia) for the transfer.  After two transfers back to back, the second one resulted in a pregnancy but I miscarried.  I know the struggle.

Hoopsy - providing sustainable healthcare products that help women, their partners, and the planet. 


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