Are you getting the most out of Benefits Cloud?

Hopefully you're finding all the great offers, deals and discounts here on Benefits Cloud.  However, did you know you can:

  1. Personalise your home page to view those offers you're particularly interested in.  All you need to do is edit your profile in 'My Account' by selecting the categories you want to see
  2. If you're on the Standard Package and would like to be able to access the Premium Package offers, you can upgrade your account for a one-off annual fee of £25.00 (+VAT).  With so many amazing offers to choose from, you'll more than recover this in savings!

To find out more, click here to access our User Guide.

And don't forget if you would like to recommend a new offer or retail partner for Benefits Cloud please let us know by dropping us an email at [email protected]

Benefits Cloud.  Great Perks.  Great Price.

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