YorkTest Update: April is IBS Awareness Month

Did you know that Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder, is estimated to cost the UK economy £800,000 a year in lost productivity? So this month, we look to support employees suffering with IBS.

Whilst there is no cure for IBS, the condition can vary from person to person. Some employees might only experience mild discomfort, but others can find it debilitating, impacting their performance at work. Equipped with the right information and practical support, employers can better mitigate lost productivity and focus by ensuring the workplace environment works with - and not against - employees who experience IBS attacks.  

One of the key triggers for IBS attacks is diet.  You can identify IBS trigger foods with the YorkTest Premium Food Intolerance Test and help tailor your diet to keep your IBS flare-ups under control:

  • Measures all four subtypes of food-specific IgG 
  • Simple at-home finger-prick blood test
  • Results listed in easy-to-read traffic light values: high, borderline, and normal reactivity
  • Use the results to begin an IgG-guided elimination diet and monitor symptoms for improvement

For more information, or to order a Premium Food Intolerance Test visit the YorkTest partner page by clicking here and enjoy your Benefits Cloud discount of 40%.

Benefits Cloud. Great Perks. Great price.

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